BrattyKiki - The Shahada statement of faith

BrattyKiki - The Shahada statement of faith

BrattyKiki - The Shahada statement of faith

Description: specially designed for all my devoted Muslim slaves. I know youve been bored and youve been craving something a bit more extreme, thats why i personalised the islamic "shahada" prayer into a statement of faith to your new God, to your beloved, Allah Kiki. Speaking it out in arabic for you to repeat while, fucking your mind in the best, intense way possible. Ive took over islam and turned it into my religion instead. Stroke while you recite my personal shahada prayer and mantras over and over again, devote yourself to your new religion.>> Good Boys use my markup codes > 25% markup code: SpoilKIKI - 50% markup code: ILOVEKIKI - 100% markup code: IWorshipKIKI - 150% markup code: OWNEDbyKIKI

mp4 l (284.54 MB) l 1280x720 l 00:07:14

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BrattyKiki - The Shahada statement of faith