Ella Kross - Youre a Worthless Lonely Loser
Ella Kross - Youre a Worthless Lonely Loser

Description: I know why your wife left you, you know. It`s because you`re a fuckingloser. You stopped fucking her in favor of masturbating to my clips and Ican`t say as I blame you since I`m so beautiful and all. Don`t I lookstunning in this sexy leather corset with matching gloves and thigh-highboots? Of course I do, loser, so sit there and jerk your little cock offto me like usual. Now that your wife`s hit the road you have all the timein the world to stroke yourself to me so get to it! Take that tiny dickout and jack-off while I remind you what a complete and utter failure youare. You`re a completely disgusting, miserable person whose life isn`tworth a penny to anybody. All you have left in this world is my videossince nobody wants you so sit there all alone and tug your pathetic excusefor a cock while you listen to me all over you and with good reason,too. You`re a nobody! I`m the one shining light left in your useless lifeso buy all of my clips and spend all of your money on me, understood?Good, slave!
mp4 l (281.97 MB) l 1920x1080 l 00:05:09
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